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Congratulations Ravi - MBA from University of South Australia
16 August 2016
AEM would like to congratulate Ravi Chavali on the completion of his degree of Master of Business Administration from the University of South Australia Business School.
On the 10th of August, AEM Directors Mark Ridgway, David McNeil and Michael Matarazzo attended Ravi's graduation ceremony, which was held at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
Ravi commenced his employment at AEM in 2005 as a Machinist. Since this time he has also worked in the role of Project Drafter and was selected for his current role as Unicore Machinery Production Manager in 2010.
Ravi's commitment to increasing production efficiencies and managing a highly skilled workforce was recognised by AEM and we invested in his education by sponsoring his Graduate Certificate in Management followed by his MBA.
As a highly valued member of the AEM team, we are pleased to have supported Ravi to reach his goal to complete his MBA.
Congratulations Ravi, your graduation is an enormous personal achievement of which you should be very proud.